Uploading CRM data allows you to create audiences based on your historical transactions, not just those transactions that happened after Thirty-One Circles was implemented. This means you can get started with larger audiences faster, and is our best practice process when setting up a project.
To backdate CRM data in the most powerful way, it is necessary to upload two files (the order you upload them doesn’t matter).
- Customer ID – Email Match File
- Transaction ID – Email Match File
The “Customer ID – Email Match File” allows you to upload the current CRM consent of your entire customer base. This means that filtered exports based on advertising consent are possible for historical data.
The “Transaction ID – Email Match File” lets you link a user to their past purchases so that you can form audiences based on their actions and behaviours.
NOTE: The consent uploaded is only taken as a starting point. With the API live on the website, this consent will be updated based on the user’s consent on each subsequent visit to keep it up to date.
To complete the uploads, navigate to https://thirtyonecircles.com/app/audiences/connections/ and click the “Upload” button within the data sources table.
For the Customer ID – Email Match File
- Select the “Customer ID – Email Match File” option from the dropdown
- Download the template file
- Fill out the template with your customer data following the example at the start of the fill.
What to know:
- The only required field is “customer_email” OR “customer_email_SHA256_hashed” everything else adds information to this.
- If you are hashing the data yourself, please make sure that you follow the hashing instructions to normalise the data first otherwise, it won’t match anything!
- The “user_id” field should be the same “user_id” sent to Google Analytics (if known); if not known, this can be left blank.
- Phone numbers (if present) must include the country code prefix. Optionally these can start with “N:” to avoid scientific formatting of the number by Excel.
For the Transaction ID – Email Match File
- Select the “Transaction ID – Email Match File” option from the dropdown
- Download the template file
- Fill out the template with your customer data following the example at the start of the fill.
What to know:
- “transaction_id” and “transaction_date” are required fields, but its only necessary to upload one of “customer_email” OR “customer_email_SHA256_hashed”.
- If you are hashing the data yourself, please make sure that you follow the hashing instructions below to normalise the data first; otherwise it won’t match anything!
- Please make sure that the transaction ID exactly matches what is passed to your Google Analytics (including capitalisation), and the date field is in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Once uploaded, it can take 24 – 48 hours for the new audience data to have pulled through into your audiences. This process is entirely automated and will improve the data levels on all existing and new audiences you create, so there is no need to wait for it to be completed to start defining your custom audiences in the Audience Builder.