One of the most frequent questions we hear on audience segmentation is “what is actually possible?”.
To help answer this, we have created a guide to give you some general ideas of how you can segment your audience to achieve your goals. Sometimes there are multiple ways to get to the “same” audience, and depending on your own data you might find some of these work better for you, don’t be afraid to experiment to find what works.
Please use the options below only as a starting place. The right audience segment combines your goal, your targeting, the final audience size and your wider advertising strategy.
All the audiences below can be remixed, combined, excluded or modified the options are limitless!
- Repeat buyer and high-value LTV in the last year
- Repeat buyer (count above X)
- Single big purchase (LTV above X max one purchase)
- Single small purchase (LTV below X max one purchase)
- One purchase in X months
- Two purchases etc
- Sale audience (coupon code used)
- Purchased last X sale (dates)
- Sale audience (multiple named dates)
- Sale audience (viewed sale page)
- Full price (no coupon)
- Full price (dates + no coupon)
- Weekend buyer
- Midweek buyer
- Payday weekend buyer
- School holidays shopper
- New range buyer (product IDs + dates)
- New range viewer (product pages + dates)
- Viewed product page
- Viewed product page with high intent (page views above X times)
- Viewed multiple pages in category (URL contains)
- Purchased category (category GA mapping)
- Purchased category (product ID GA mapping)
- Newsletter sign-up
- Reads the blog
- Seen more than X pages
- Added to basket X times
- Visited the basket page X times
- Downloaded X files
- Completed a video view
- Purchased in-store only
- Purchased in-store and online
- In CRM upload – no online conversion
- Has X attribute
- A/B – test group (known customer only)
- Data clean room – a shared audience with XYZ project
- Late-night buyer
- Scrolled to X depth on Y page
- Landed from X channel
- City X shopper
- Country X shopper
- Not country X shopper